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October 08, 2005
It's my mom's birthday yesterday! This has nothing to do with this post.
There's only like a handful of comics but it's not bad. I wonder how often he updates.
Should have the new Crappy Asst up... tommorow...? That's my guess. Or late tonight. We had some definate problems getting it going, but, you know, at least it got done? Can't win them all? Etc etc? I suppose I need to write an essay tommorow, too, as I haven't posted anything writelicious this week. I'll do it, promise. Just, you know, gotta get essay juices flowing. And I have lots of works to still do today. Le Sigh.
I want... like... a game to play? But I feel like any game I'd now take on would be a wasted purchase or something? I dunno. Not like anything particularly amazing is coming out soon. Fuck, I dunno what to play. When the hell is something good going to come out for the PSP, dammit! Virtua Tennis is tempting, but do I really need what seems similar to Mario Tennis that I can't play with my friends? Probably not.
Probably. Not.
Posted by poetfox at October 8, 2005 02:51 PM
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