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October 01, 2005

Intense Foodfighting!

By the time you read this, the new Crappy Asst will be up. So have a listen-see, if you want.
Jonathan can spot a Foie Gras a mile away.

Our current favorite ideas for Iron Chef episodes are:
Pancake Batter Battle
No Foie Gras Battle (Anything goes, but you can't use Foie Gras!)

I don't think they'll be used, but you never know. I continue to wonder if Iron Chef America sucks or not. Since the most entertaining battle from the Miniseries was Wolfgang Puck vs Morimoto, and that was mostly because Wolfgang Puck is the man, apparently, and he isn't on the series. Of course, my favorite, Hiroyuki Sakai, ultra Iron Chef of the Frenchness (Apparently there was an Iron Chef French for awhile that wasn't Sakai, but I deny this person ever existed.) isn't in the series either (although he faced Flay in the miniseries and was totally fucking robbed of a victory. He'd never lost a seafood battle before that, you know. In all the episodes. Not once. Totally. Robbed.), my drive to see the show is very low, and I'd assume it does suck. But you never know, I suppose. Also, Bobby Flay is a jackass.
I'm seeing Serenity today! Whooooooooooooooo!

But seriously, Bobby Flay sucks alot.

Posted by poetfox at October 1, 2005 12:29 AM


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