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October 04, 2005
I'm Evil and a Heathen.
I swear, there are times where I just... forget I have some sort of life I should be caring about and just... drift. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. Most people would probably say bad. *shrugs*
I seemed to recall that today was the day that You Could Have It So Much Better came out, so I went to Best Buy, and, oddly enough, I was right. It was on sale, too, so I don't have to feel bad about spending more than I would on iTunes? Heh. But yeah, Franz's new album is good. I haven't determined a certain amount of good yet, as I've only really listened to the whole CD once at this point, but good definately describes it. I think there are one or two tracks I will be skipping most of the time, though, which would put it a litlte behind their first album. But oh well, it's good.
And then, just because Life is retarded like that, my We <3 Katamari soundtrack came in today, too, after I bought a new CD. Mean thing. Heh. Oh well, I'll save it for later.
Heh heh heh, Mur just responded to my creepy fanmail? 'twas short and sweet.
Thanks for your kind words. Fans aren't creepy. :)
And sorry this week's geek fu is late. :(
Makes me laugh, dunno why. ^_^ Perhaps some sort of reaction to even though she gets fanmail there's still insecurity there or something? Heh heh. Anyway, it was nice of her to respond.
Apparently Thunderbird adds stupid pictures to smilies like so many things do nowadays. I like the concept, but since the pictures they put in there never look good, I'd rather they didn't. Suppose I should search through Thunderbird and figure out how to turn that off.
Success! I did it! Yay!
Okay, now back to whatever...?
Oh, and Anansi Boys is good. Get reading, bitches. I really need to read all of Sandman sometime.
Edit: Had to share this. Heh heh heh... ^_^
Posted by poetfox at October 4, 2005 02:32 PM
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