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October 25, 2005
I typed alot of words. Using your eyes, you can read them.
I have to work Halloween night. So much for the drafting. Bah. I wonder if they'll do it without me... since they got Danny, they probably should. But you never know.
Today, I think in general, was pretty shitty. I was still not very recovered from last night's little... thing... with Draco and Ecks... I probably didn't show it, because, um, I dunno, I like to think I'm good at that. But I definately felt it. Fooding with Essner was a nice break from it all, but I fell right back into it afterward... By the time I got off work I felt sick and I felt pointless and I just felt terrible. Luckily, my friends forced me to get over to Spants' and play Magic and then we later watched some Brainiac and I felt alot better. I find it's slowly wearing off now that I'm alone again, though.
I came up with a new deck idea today. I should really try to build it and see what happens. Currently it feels a bit iffy, but I bet I can turn it around with a little fiddling. It does draw on some Ravnica, though, so I can't really do it online yet, and probably not even offline yet. *sighs* Lighting Helixes are going to be pointlessly expensive, I know it...
In any case, the main strategy is going to revolve around heavy defensiveness. If I build it in real life, it'll be alot like my "Inversionary Tactics" deck with slight modifications thanks to Ravnica. If I build it online, it'll be a totally different monster because I'll be trying to make it work in Standard without the help of the card that really made "Inversionary Tactics" go, Silent Arbiter. We'll see if I do anything with it. Who knows. Maybe I will.
Posted by poetfox at October 25, 2005 12:45 AM
I'm sorry you feel bad because we tried to boost your self-confidence. You know I like you lots hun, and my door's always open to you. Sorry to get you upset.
Posted by: ~X~ at October 25, 2005 09:55 PM
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