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October 26, 2005
I really suck at shooting things. It's offcial.
So I downloaded the F.E.A.R. demo, because, um... because. Because Brer seems to think it's going to be good and the gaming press says its good and I've had a renewed interest in shooters recently. So I downloaded it. My system wasn't up to snuff, according to the requirements, so I turned the graphics down to shit. Wow. Wow. I didn't even know today's games can look that crappy? I mean, obviously it's not meant to be played like that. But holy crap, man. It was like... original Quake-style. Every single everything had blocky edges. It was amazing and surreal. I probably could turn things up a little if I wanted to. If I play it again, I probably will, if only to get out of that "OMG!!!" level of shitty. Seriously, though, wow.
The gameplay, though, was pretty damn sweet. Although, um, I'm not going to be playing it. Because, well, it was on easy and... it kicked my ass three ways from tuesday. I mean, totally slaughtered me. I appreciated the intelligence of the AI. Even on easiest setting, the AI was still smart, their accuracy was just, supposedly, toned way down and maybe I could take some more hits. But they knew way more about gunplay than me. My idea of gunplay is running forward, probably screaming, firing like crazy. Their idea of gunplay involves cover and team tactics and things of that nature. Me running forward guns blazing can't handle that shit, man! I also liked how I can only have three weapons, although, you know, the two-weapon thing from like... Halo... is more realistic? Although hell, the way you can swich so seamlessly between weapons doesn't really count as real anyway, so, you know, oh well. And three lets you not feel bad about keeping like... a rocket launcher or something? Heh... I also liked the leaning thing. Maybe every game does that and I just, um, don't play those game. But it was funny. I was like... LEAN! BULLET TIME! WHEEEE! And then I'd run around the corner, guns ablaze, and die. But for awhile, it was totally sweet, I promise.
I've also got some Gunstar Super Heroes action going on. It's just like I thought? Which is good. It's all guntastic. PYEW PYEW PYEW! BANG BANG! GUNS!
Yay for guns. ^_^ Or something. Or other.
Edit: I took a screenie of me running F.E.A.R. on the world's worst settings, if you didn't believe my reaction to it.
EditEdit: Have you seen this shit?
Posted by poetfox at October 26, 2005 03:42 PM
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