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October 15, 2005

I don't totally suck when the mode is "Crazystupid Deathmatch."

I keep playing Half-life 2 Deathmatch. I really didn't think anyone online would play this, because you've got your Days of Defeats and your Counterstrikes and such. But yet I found this server that has things set up kinda crazy and I'm thoroughly enjoying it? I didn't really look at the name before, but the more I think about it the more I think it's a German server. In any case, it rotates through like 15 maps every 15 minutes and every map they have it set up that you start with a machine gun and two grenades? So it's pretty crazy shit. I keep defeating people in machine gun duels because I aim at their head, a concept I'd think people would grasp but apparently not (I mean, I got no game and I can still point a gun vaguely at a player's head). I won the last round I played by a kill! Whoo! Pacifist Fox is my shooter name because I find it humorous, by the way, if you randomly get shot by someone with that name. It's not really funny, but I think it is, dammit, so shut your face.
I tried some online Day of Defeat: Source today, too. It... well, I could see why one would like it. I can also see where the review that complained about the 4 built-in Maps and 1 game mode was talking about. I played just one round and was pretty tired of it. Also, I'm not really in it for the realism of the old-tymey war, so the fairly realistic old weapons really kinda annoyed me. It's awesome they, you know, do realistic weapons things but I suck, that's too much for me to handle! Heh. Also, I think you'd have to be crazy skilled to use the Machine Gun setup correctly. That thing is unwiedly, which I know is the point, but damn. I guess you snipe with it, sorta. But damn. I normally adhere to the Jonathan Long School of Sniping and that doesn't really work in these realistic games... (The Jonathan Long School of Sniping meaning using the world's best sniping position aka right in the middle of the map in the wide open. It works against experienced players, because they'll keep looking for you in the map's "snipe" points.) Anyway, unless something occurs dunno if Day of Defeat is my thing. Never really thought it would be, but, you know, had to try.
Nobody wants to BGs before Serenity today. This is sad. Would just me and Jessie at BGs work? It should work, but I dunno if she'd want to eat there either. I should call her and ask. And shower. Showers would be good. I'll do that now.

Posted by poetfox at October 15, 2005 02:36 PM


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