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October 30, 2005
Blogging: In General and about games I no longer play
One of my silly pleasures I partake in is reading My Life in Vana'diel a long-running blogish thing about one totally fucking obsessed person playing Final Fantasy XI. Now, it's been a long, long time since I played Final Fantasy XI. A long time. Honestly, I have absolutely no plans to play it again. Distances are long and hard to traverse just to increase playtime (there's definately some of this in WoW, but much less), and when you die, you lose exp. Yes, there should be some sort of penalty for dying, but that's too harsh. Also, Final Fantasy XI is a party-based game. Getting random parties suck. Alot. And I'd never find a static party. This is why I will not play XI again. However, I know enough about the game to understand what he writes about, and I just find it vastly entertaining. One thing XI did right was that everything you did felt like a serious accomplishment. And hearing him write about it... I dunno, it seems cool. I enjoy it. *shrugs*
For being a pretty dedicated blogger (I mean, I've been doing this since... 2001?), I realized I really don't read any blogs. I mean, I read some things that are sorta named "News Blogs" or whatnot. I read Joystiq fairly religiously and I listen to Diggnation and thus every once and awhile browse through Digg... and if you call call Tycho's news posts a blog, then I follow things like that religiously... but besides Mat's blog on the Badly Drawn Kitties, I don't really read any blogs (and even then, I dunno why I read Mat's blog so religiously. Our tastes are very different. Yet, I am always interested.
But anyway blogs. I don't read any of them. Are there good ones out there? Are they all as uninteresting as this one? (Or, if you're biased, as interesting as this one?) I feel like maybe there's some sort of blogging community I'm far, far away and not connected to. But do I want to be? Who the hell knows, really.
One day left before NaNoWriMo, and I still dunno what I'm writing about. I hopefully will decide at some point tommorow... hopefully...
Posted by poetfox at October 30, 2005 09:09 PM
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