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October 20, 2005
Audio Blog Entry: The Appointment and Days of Defeat
Wow, look, it's another MP3 with my voice in it! Astounding!
In this blog entry I ramble about the printer being broken at work, Kathy getting mad at me for being polite, how my therapistguy appointment went, a tangent on me and getting things done, my and my brother's current obsession with Day of Defeat, what I do as an Assault player and why I enjoy it, and my new headset purchase (Skype me, dammit!). But mostly I just ramble.
If you wanna see if you missed one of these, by the way, just um, type "Audio Blog Entry" into that search box, as I'm putting that in front of each post, as you noticed, or go here for completely lazy archive page. Not that I think you'd be desperate for more of this, but, you know, just in case, there you go.
Edit: Holy shit, it's four in the morning. I can't believe I've been playing DoD that long! Fuck! But gods, those guys were assholes, I had to try to show them what for. I try to get witty banter going, and, well, they insult my furriness can continued to call me a fag. It's not like that bothered me, perse, but it's not like one could convince them I was a girl either, at that point... also, the allies on the server were horrid! When I'm the best player, that says something. I had twice as many flag captures as anyone else on my team, seriously. And near the end, the same people who were insulting me earlier kept giving me little tips, so I suppose I, you know, earned a little respect. But 4 o'clock! Holy shit, man!
Posted by poetfox at October 20, 2005 01:59 AM
'01 Archive
Episode 190.
Posted by: piman at October 21, 2005 01:14 AM
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