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October 22, 2005
Angst-post Warning! Danger! Danger!
A couple posts down, Essner refers I assume me to an episode of This American Life. I listened to the first chunk of it. I feel scared and I feel sick and nervous. I don't want that. The wig, the makeup, the hyper-girl over-compensation... I just want to be me... this... with that little change... yes, on that rare occasion, I might wear a skirt, yes, when things get dressy, I will be in a dress because that's what's appropriate, but most of the time I'll just be in my stupid black half-witty t-shirt and large pocketed pants and sandals. Just like now.
I'm so screwed...
Sorry for the angsty post.
Edit: I have made a playlist to cheer me up, and, along with Ecks, I am feeling much better. In any case I'm going to share the playlist. It's being played on random, so the order has no bearing, but, you know, thought you might be vaguely interested in what I'd listen to to cheer me up.
Playlist Name: Cheer Up!
Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have It So Much Better
L'arc En Ciel - Ready Steady Go
Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To
Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
Blue Man Group - I Feel Love (feat. Venus Hum)
Blue Man Group - What Is Rock (feat. Arone Dyer and Peter Moore)
Blue Man Group - Time to Start
Goldfrapp - Ooh La La
Soul Coughing - Super Bon Bon [Propellerheads Radio Edit]
They Might Be Giants - E Eats Everything
They Might Be Giants - Damn Good Times
They Might Be Giants - On the Drag
They Might Be Giants - Cyclops Rock
They Might Be Giants - Happy Doesn't Have To Have An Ending
Posted by poetfox at October 22, 2005 12:45 AM
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