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September 06, 2005
Pain Lands are Expensive as Fuck and other tales
I swear to god I'm finally going to write the "literature" essay I've had in my head sometime this week.
I did the math on how much it's going to cost me to aquire all the pain lands. Holy. Fuck. Too rich for my blood... I spend alot on cards but Ye. Gods. I can work around them, I hope... if not, well, I'll be mana screwed slighty more often. In any case, I love the Ravnica lands better, so I'll get them? Sure, they'll eventually rotate out of standard whereas the painlands will always be around. Always. But I'll feel like less of a tool and they'll probably be cheaper? Eh, we'll see how this evolves.
We're going to do another Crappy Asst tonight because we decided to keep them from being too fucking long we'd do more of them so we have less to talk about? It's worth a shot. In any case, we're only improving, so listen in. We don't have our equippment in yet, though, so it'll just be with my iAudio. Heh.
Ok Go... they're a pretty good band, I suppose. I can't find any songs of theirs I want on infinite repeat, though... and... I dunno. I can totally listen to them, but I'm never going to become a huge fanatic. Good for them for existing, though. A Million Ways is good, though, and the video is like a million times better than the song, so go to their site and watch the video. Heh.
I learned there is a fairly famous poet named Jack Spicer. Is a writer on Shaolin Showdown a huge poetry fan? Only time or intense fanatasicm will tell, and I'm not about to do either.
So Concert/Prerelease Planning is starting to get intense. It looks like I won't be able to make the 2hg because it starts at 5 on Saturday and I'm fairly positive I'm working. New plans revolve around seeing the concert, crashing somewhere, then getting up early and doing the 3 man team, losing or maybe doing amazingly well or something, then driving home, stopping for a good meal, and getting back in time for me to work at 8. It sounds like a great weekend to me. Yup. But we'll see what everyone else thinks. And if mom will pay for a hotel room. She's always crazy-wanting to pay for such things, so I have a feeling she will. Don't ask me why, though, because I couldn't even begin to tell you.
Anyway, Crappy Asst later. We're finally up on Podcast Alley and Podcast Pickle, although I don't suggest you vote for us, because we don't deserve it. YET.
Posted by poetfox at September 6, 2005 04:02 PM
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