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September 08, 2005

Of Pasta and Chaos, Annoyance and Prophecy

So I just played the unfortunately very short demo for Indigo Prophecy? Totally sweet. It's just enough of the plot and system to make you think, "wow, that has some potential" and then BAM. It ends. And you're like "Fuck, man! Fuck! Plot! Me needs plot!" But then again, that's what these kinds of things are for. In any case, I now have yet another thing I am waiting for like crazy at the end of this month. And another reason to make my gamepad a worthwhile purchase if I go the PC route. If you like adventure games, you gots to be checking this out. The fact Tol and Brer knew about and were awaiting this game and didn't inform me makes me wonder what other gaming delights they know about but aren't sharing with me, however... heh...
New people starting ad set... this is a good thing, of course, but I have a feeling I'm going to train one of them, and to be quite honest I'm a little tired of doing that, having done 3 in the past month. Heh. Then again, Tevarrasperson had his head in the right place and had it down in like 2 minutes... but I had to train annoying Anthonyguy, and gods, that has to exempt me from training for a long, long while. I had to work with him tonight. He talks constantly, which I'm not against, but bah... he's opinionated for no reason kinda person? And he tries to jump subject at very odd times... The thing he said that lingers most in my mind was him talking about how the guns the military uses are... well, I want to say "for pussies" but I don't believe those were his exact words. In any case, he kept going "It's all about one shot, one kill" and it was really quite stupid. The idea of guns that wound is, I dunno, to keep peace maybe? You can stop someone and not kill them? I mean, I think that's a valid thing to think about. Then again, I don't know fuck about guns and crap. But he didn't either. Bah. And we have to have a couple more shifts with him before they can fire him? Even though all the management has already decided they are? Annoying.
Also, I don't think I've linked to The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster on here yet, so I will. Again, it's old news for those of you on top of the internet fads, but it's really quite awesome and you should at least read the letter (which is what you'll see first when you go to that page). I've been studying the tenets of Pastafarianism and leafing through the Principia Discordia in my mind to try to see if I can't be an active member of both religions. So far, I have not thought of any... issues... although scientists do have a high chance of being greyfaces, I'd think.
Did you find the hidden Fnords in this blogpost? If so, give yourself 20 points!

Posted by poetfox at September 8, 2005 01:12 AM


The thing about M-16's is that no matter where you are shot, you go down. The idea is to not kill the enemy because; A. We're not all about the killing in the United States Military, and B. If you wound somebody, but not kill them, ideally you take out two people, because someone is either going to drag them off, or attend to them in some way. Of course that was in the good old days when we fought armies of trained soldiers as opposed to people with bombs on their backs. Now we shoot them in the face.

Posted by: piman [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 8, 2005 09:06 PM

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