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September 16, 2005
Tokyo Game Show is covered. I feel like responding.
I assume you've seen this or something to that effect, but if you haven't, there it is.
My two cents, which you may or may not hear again on a new Crappy Asst tonight, is...
Fuck. Yeah.
Nintendo, you have got your work cut out for you. You really truly do. But the DS made me a believer. I believe in you, big N! If you pull this shit off, the Revolution may be the second console every gamer buys, but every gamer will have it alongside of their PS3 or Xbox 360. Every single one. You've got some hardcore possibilities here. Don't fuck it up.
I want the lime green one.
HOLY SHIT! That's totally hardcore. I totally bought a Neo Geo Pocket just for Card Fighters and... whatever their portable Capcom Vs SNK fighter was called. I am beyond excited.
Posted by poetfox at September 16, 2005 01:15 PM
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