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September 23, 2005
Da da doo doo da ding!
1up intrigues me just because whenever I go there, the little score by my name up top keeps going up. I'm up to 1.530 points. I don't even know if these points do anything, and although I looked at the list of how to get them I still don't quite understand how they are accumulated. But, oddly enough, that's what keeps me coming back. That, and good gaming coverage.
Sometime in the recent they just posted this interesting feature about Indigo Prophecy I thought I'd share. It's the man behind the game talking about what he wanted to do and how he went about it. I think when someone with this sort of philosophy sets out to make a game with combat as well that the "perfect" game will be born. Not that games like Indigo Prophecy don't have their place, cause they totally do. Bring more of them on! And I say this before actually playing the game and just playing the demo. It's like, that awesome. Yup. I'd play more of those types of games any day.
I really need to link Punks and Nerds in the sidebar so I don't forget to check it.
This week has felt really lazy despite the fact that I have been working quite a bit. And will work even more next week. Ye gods, I'm off like... sunday... which is good, cause then I can prerelease... and like... thursday. Blah. But money is good I suppose... I gotta get people some awesome Chrissymas presents this year... including something for Brer, which I'm sure I'll worry over lots because I hate like... asking for suggestions for presents if I can help it...? But at the same time I want to give whoever I'm giving the gift to something they want, but maybe wouldn't expect? It's hard. Especially with people you haven't done any serious giftgiving to before...
Oh, I wrote an essay the other day, but I think I'm going to fiddle with it some more before the concert tonight, so... well, you can find it if you're dedicated, but it's going to have some editing done, is all I'm saying.
I think after Season 2 finishes downloading (It's at like... 73 percent now, but'll be torrenting from like 4 till like... noonish tommorow, so I would doubt it not being done by tommorow...) I'm going to download the first season too for my own nefarious schemes that I've been scheming. These schemes may or may not involve a DVD burner.
Okami is pretty.
Posted by poetfox at September 23, 2005 09:09 AM
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