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September 18, 2005
Computaz. Downloads. Caffiene. Blah.
So they resceduled my bloodthing because I'm retarded? And then they told me "Don't have any caffiene for 48 hours before coming in" and that was news to me. Sorry, Red Cross, you're not getting that. Best I can promise you is to have my first soda Monday AFTER I give blood.
I'm enjoying being able to extend my desktop over to the TV. It's kinda nice. Makes me really want a second monitor... but I'd need a whole new desk before that would work... and I wouldn't want it in here, perse... maybe it's time to move back to my room...
I have two more points of vaugely computer related news. The first is that I bought a new 200 gig hard drive and a DVD burner drive. Newegg is everyone's friend. Here's to hoping I'm able to figure out how to get them installed without enlisting the help of one Andrew Welker.
Also, my computer chair broke today. One of the screws holding it up just... popped out. And it's stripped, so I can't screw it back in. It was just a cheapo chair but it was about as comfortable as a cheapo chair can get... this chair I'm in now sucks... alot... I need something really... awesome... to relax in. I spend too much time in front of the compy not to have one, really.
Another thing hooking my compy up to the TV makes me want to do: Download more shit to watch while I chat and game. The problem with this is alot of what I'd want to download would be Anime, and I'd want that subbed, and that would make it very hard to watch with minimal attention, now wouldn't it. Blah.
I dunno. I'm stopping the typing now. I work tommorow night aka tonight. Blaaaaaah.
Posted by poetfox at September 18, 2005 12:37 AM
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