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September 30, 2005
Adventures Gamez...?
I wonder if I could get Indigo Prophecy to play on my other screen AKA on my TV... hmm...
So if you've played the game, I got stuck at the pipe-climbing part. That's not especially a spoiler, so I don't feel bad positing it. I dunno if it's just a quirk with how my gamepad works or is calibrated or what, but it was impossible to do the motion it wants you to do to climb that fucking pipe several times in a row with my gamepad. And it frustrated me very much. But I finally got past it last night before I went to bed. Yay?
Other than that frustration though, it be good stuff. It's much more movie than game (in fact, the menu says "New Movie" instead of "New Game") but that really should have been what you were expecting from it, so it's no biggie. The plot is better than what you see in most games anyway... and alot of movies, for that matter.
My good friend Tycho has informed the masses, in his infinite wisdom, of this. Now, I'd heard stories that the group of the peoples that were pointlessly let go after Sam and Max: Freelance Police was pointlessly cancelled were working on a Bone game, and I suppose this is it. It's intriguing, and you shouldn't be surprised when I totally check it out. Totally. But that's for in the FUTAR!
Time to... stuff. I'm going off to stuff! So there!
Posted by poetfox at September 30, 2005 08:44 AM
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