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September 13, 2005

A Decklist: Is it Casual?

Just wanted to share my Monoblack control concoction I'm currently playing in the new standard...
Outthink.dec (Working Title)

Lands (23)
23x Swamp

Creatures (16 )
3x Akuta, Born of Ash
3x Ghost-Lit Stalker
3x Kemuri-Onna
3x Phyrexian Gargantua
4x Ravenous Rats

Other Spells (21)
4x Cruel Edict
3x Exile into Darkness
3x Journeyer's Kite
2x Plague Wind
2x Promise of Power
3x Waking Nightmare
4x Wayfarer's Bauble

The idea is to keep the board clearish with Cruel Edict and Exile into Darkness while I empty their hand via the many, many discard routes I have. Once I get to that point, I start the beats with Akuta, Kemuri-Onna, and the Gargantua... or if I failed to clear the board with the sacrifices, keep the board locked with them while I look for one of my two sneakier victory conditions: clearing their board with Plague Wind or building up a huge hand with the help of Journeyer's Kite and dropping a huge flying demon token with Promise of Power.
The main point of this post is... is this not a "casual" deck? It's not going to win any tournaments. Waking Nightmare is not the best card in the world, perse (and I shouild probably replace it with Mind Rot to keep it from being Hisoka's Defianced, but I thought, in case I WANTED to bounce my Kemuri-Onna it would be there...), and without spot removal, I lose decently often, although I have it tweaked to the point that I can handle most decks... except the ever-popular 5 Honden archetype, which I can do basically nothing but hope they get mana screwed and I make them discard their key cards.
I dunno. Discard is mean, yes, but I hadn't made a black deck in forever, and like... never a mono-black deck... and I wanted to use Akuta to great effect, so this is what came out of it. *shrugs*
Anyway, I'm off to class now, I suppose. And then POETRY! And then more class! Score! Sorry, this post was a bit pointless.

Posted by poetfox at September 13, 2005 11:51 AM


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