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August 20, 2005

This post brought to you by Antz Extreme Racing, also known as "The Pinnacle of License Use and Gameplay"

Made a new fake Magic card if you want to check it out. Haven't updated Inside Joke yet, but I felt inspired. Dunno how good my templating is for it, though.
Yeah, there's three new cards in those links. I try to be creative. Sorry about that.
I realized a bit earlier that a decent chunk of being creative requires research, something I do not especially enjoy but am decently good at. Hm.
In other news, I really don't want to start classes next week.
In other other news, I totally finally stole Firefly from Essner and I'm totally going to make Jonathan watch it. Totally.
In other other other news, Essner got WoW, so I have a feeling I'll be getting back into that... whee?
In other other other other news, um, that's alot of others I have used there. I have probably gone over my use of other for today. Other.

Posted by poetfox at August 20, 2005 01:28 AM


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