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August 03, 2005
The PSP is not a very good MP3 player, really.
I totally skipped work today. Not worth it. I got home at 5 in the morning! It wasn't worth feeling like crap, in my opinion. Sorry, work!
So yeah, I need podcast recommendations! I listened to two episodes of TWIT at work last night, and I was really entertained! I need to do that shit more! But that means I'm going to have to come up with a variety of podcasts to be following... surely there are a couple good gamer podcasts out there, I just have to find them. And I can ask Droib and Buchhiet for more tech-related casts... yeah...
So I got Arcanum in today. It looks pretty... um... deep. As crazy as Fallout's menus and such were, Arcanum's is even more crazy to understand... but I think I can get through it... I made a buncha different slight variations on the Magic Support character I knew I was going to make... I think I finally found one I could stick with... but it really, really makes me wish I had another monitor... these fullscreen games are killing me! Maybe I should get two flatscreens... and another hard drive. Damn me and spending monies!
Anyway, I'm off to BGs and Bowling. Tata.
Posted by poetfox at August 3, 2005 04:57 PM
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