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August 24, 2005
Supra-setting the Ads and How I critique.
Apparently I'm the Kohl's Superstar of the Month? That's kinda weird. The scary part is the fact my picture is going to be on the wall, though. Creepy.
After getting out of my Lit class tonight, I was all riled up and general fervored over writing an essay about why I am the worst English Major ever (that, and a interesting poem involving a mirror... both of these might still happen, the poem probably being more likely) and how pissed I am at writing these big long critique papers I have to write. I mean, honestly, there's a good reason for them. I'm not saying they're teaching English the wrong way or whatnot... but I hate them. Hate them alot. Part of the reason is that I want them to be teaching me how to write and letting me practice under guidelines and whatnot and I dunno. I don't want to break down literature. The other reason, though, is more interesting, and I'm going to talk about it now.
I don't have reasons for certian types of evaluations I make.
I mean, I have them. I just don't know them until I'm forced to state them. And I can't force myself to state them, perse (which is mainly what writing such a critique paper is). When I do stuff like this to state my ideas, it's because I'm writing to you, some random person who would actually read my blog for some reason. You know?
I have feelings about things. I feel like things are a certain way. And that's how they are. For instance, I love Firefly. I do. It's amazing. However, when asked what my favorite episode is, a fairly basic question, I had nowhere near a response. If I were to explain why I like Firefly, it would be very vauge. I just like Firefly and it is good. This is because it FEELS good to me. My brain has reasons for making me feel like that somewhere in there, but it takes effort to actually express them. I do the same thing with people. I trust people who I "feel" are good people wholeheartedly and without any sort of... me holding back... just because I feel they are good people. I might have known them for... maybe an hour? I might have known them forever and ever. Doesn't matter. If that feeling is there, they are worthy of my trust, and I could not tell you why without a lot of thought and coaxing.
I don't know why I work like that, but I do. And that's why I can't critique literature worth shit and hate lit classes. Because my "critical evaluation" ends at "That was a good story" or "Wow, that was stupid."
My other topic for this post: Ad set.
Why the fuck is it so hard?
People join the ad set team, right? The most complicated part of the whole job is figuring out how to work the scanner... and I show the guy I was training tonight how to use the scanner... and he knows how to use the scanner now, so I'm like "Okay, go do that so we can get done faster!" And he totally screws it up. Why? Because he just skips random signs for no real reason. Other newperson does the same thing. And then we all have to stay for an extra hour or so to fix it all...
Is it really that difficult to keep your place? To go from one fixture to the other without skipping one? I don't think I'm using a crazy amount of brain power to keep my place... I will admit I have a pretty good memory, but come on, you come up with a system to keep your place so you don't forget then! I don't get it. I really don't. Explain it to me, if you can.
Last Podcast-related Note: The Dragon Page's Wingin' It podcast is enjoyable.
Last Gaming-related Note: Advance Wars: Dual Strike is awesome. If only Colin and Max had more of that synergy stat, I'd team them up in every battle. And for people who suck at action games, Sigma Star is pretty hard. And I don't have Nintendogs... yet...
Posted by poetfox at August 24, 2005 04:17 AM
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