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August 04, 2005
My wide and various Podcast downloads.
My strategy is to take many shots and attempt to find things that will be entertaining in the future for a long time to come. I'd like at least one night a week of my signage to be totally full of podcastage. Why? Because it's entertaining! You stupid fuck.
I didn't mean that. You aren't a stupid fuck, you're just inquisitive, and that's a good quality to have. I love you.
Podcast I've downloaded that I'm intrigued by the concept of currently and will report on: The Signal, which is apparently some sort of Firefly-related podcast. Will it spoil the movie for me? Will it read me Firefly fanfics? Is it a Firefly radio play? I don't know. I just don't know. I just hope it's entertaining, dammit!
This new podcast stuff, though, makes me want to aquire a better MP3 player. My MP3 player is MIA at the moment, but even if I had it, it could only fit one or maybe two of these podcasts on it. I've been looking for something expensiveish to buy, and I think I've mentioned over and over here all summer... perhaps a really solid MP3 player is the way I should go... I don't want to go iPod, even though they're pretty, because I'm sure I can get a cheaper and just as if not more badass MP3 player from someone else... also, the PSP is not a good MP3 player, which is what I've been using as of late. But at least it supports foldering, so I can organize stuff in the Music folder. That's like... 3 million times better than how the movies work.
The. End.
Posted by poetfox at August 4, 2005 05:18 PM
I say go with the iaudio x5 it is teh sexay(oh, and why haven't you bought a laptop yet?).
Posted by: Spants at August 4, 2005 07:22 PM
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