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August 07, 2005
More stupid Podcasting Stuff, being "funny," and Transmetropolitan
Well, as if I didn't know it already Tycho at Penny Arcade has good tastes. The two podcasts his rants pointed me towards were listened to last night and very, very enjoyed. Also listening to the Geek Fu Action Grip makes me wish I wrote more often. Basically, those podcasts start with her ranting for a little while about whatever and such... but then she reads an essay she wrote. Granted, I have only heard two thus far, but they have been quite good essays. I would make a good essayist, I know it. I just wish I'd write them. I mean, I guess I make a decently good blogger, and essays are like... really long and actually thought out blogposts.
Anyway, I'm going to metion this again... I'm being very entertained by these podcasts and by music at work, and this means I need to get me an actually good MP3 player. My criteria for such an MP3 player are as follows. 1) It works just like an extra drive aka I don't have to use a special program to transfer music and I can also transfer big files with it if need be. 2) It plays WMAs, cause most of my music collection, for better or worse, is in that format. 3) It's not supra-retardedly tiny. 4) Is around 200 dollars. (This, I know, doesn't work if I want a really high quality player, so I'll probably just cough up the extra hundred or so... heh...) I'm still open for suggestions (Thanks, Spants, for already giving me one, although I haven't checked what you were referring to, although I assume it is the same player you have or a better version.), and anything that I can use to inject my style into it (such as a lime green player) gets bonus points!
Kenny (not Richardson, Shmitz? I can't spell his last name offhand and I don't feel like looking it up, sorry Kenny) said he read my blog yesterday at Dustin's party and said that it was "funny." I was confused by this statement. I mean, although I write this blog for myself en general (I'm not fooled into believing I have an "audience" that would be mad if I stopped posting), I do attempt to apply a level of... someone else is going to read it to my randomness. I mean, not alot. Okay, honestly it probably just boils down to linking to stuff I'm referring to, and sometimes even that is for me, as I'm doing it to make sure I don't forget where it is. You may think those links on the side are for you, and they are, but they're also for me, for this is my start page and those are the places I go everyday...
Anyway, I got off thought process. I don't consider my blog funny because I'm not attempting to write funny things... maybe 1/4 of the posts are trying to be funny, and even those are simply saving inside jokes for the ages, you know? I'm not attempting to write comedy... although I guess I should, if just my rantings are funny.
I find this "funny" thing is something that's always in my life... I dunno... I guess I'm so "weird" compared to the "normal" person that when I'm talking about very serious stuff, people always think I'm attempting to be entertaining. I don't know why that is... I don't mind, really, because honestly these situations crop up when I'm telling the truth when the truth is not expected. But, you know. It's interesting to me.
Finally, quick mention to the comic series I'm reading right now, called Transmetropolitan. 'twas suggested to me by Brer, he sent me some samples, and I quickly ordered a couple using some of my fat Fantastic 4 cash card cash. It's fucking amazing, let me tell you. Although I am only halfway through the second trade. Heh. But I know I'll eventually end up with all of them. It appeals to that crazy, chaotic side of me that likes things like Melt Banana and VURT. It's extremely well written. Although if you ph33r t3h pr0f4niti33z then, um, steer clear. Although if you contant that kind of fear, I would wonder why you'd be reading this post. Fucker.
And so, the entry was blogged, and everyone lived happily ever after, the end.
Posted by poetfox at August 7, 2005 06:20 PM
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