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August 10, 2005
MoonShot. By! MoonShot. By! MoonShot. By! MoonShot. By!
That Signal thing continues to amaze me. This last one they listened to had an interview with the guy who plays Book. That's three interviews with cast in a row, and a third of the main cast interviewed. That's seriously kinda crazy for a little internet podcast. If you like Firefly, seriously, check the interviews out in the last 3 episodes. You can fast forward through the rest of it, if nothing else, yeah?
I chopped up the last Melt Banana track from the CD yesterday, to get rid of all the silence and the extra track? It's awesome to actually be able to listen to the MP3 of Moon Flavor now. I be heppay. Or happy. Whatever.
Next week, even though I'm quitting my college job, I'm going to be working like CRAZY! Like every weekday! Only one Ad Set, though. 4 trucks. Hopefully I can do something after the trucks, as 10:30 isn't really late for me and my friends anymore. If anything, it'll be just a short while after Essna gets offa work. Then we can... do... stuff.
August 16th for Sigma Star. 6 more days. Mmm... must wait that long!
You know, some part of me wants to play Half Life 2. Not the part of me that likes to shoot things, because that part of me likes games like Timesplitters, where it's so fast and chaotic my lack of skill is not revealed. But I hear it's got... plots. Really well integrated and done plots. I'll probably get it sometime... probably after it jumps down to that 30 dollar mark. I bet it's still at 50.
I think I'll... go... out. Now. I wuv woo.
Posted by poetfox at August 10, 2005 01:08 PM
I just have a quick question Matthew... WHERE DID PLAINSWALKERS GO!? They're not in the mall anymore! Where am I going to get my Pirates of the American Revolution now? I feel so depressed... -_-'
Posted by: Eric McLain at August 11, 2005 12:05 PM
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