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August 04, 2005
Early Morning. Whatwhat?
So we're going to the bowling Champeenship next monday... whee?
I cut my foot without actually cutting my foot yesterday, and it's really stupid and annoying, you know?
I didn't actually "sleep" last night. I tossed and turned and half-dreamed about some sort of battle RP weird contest that I joined... and yet, I really feel less tired than normal... *shrugs* I just hope that perhaps Kathy will be like "Rodney said for us to like... leave at 3 even if it's not done cause things were retarbid" tonight. Yeah. I need to find some podcast action before then... I'm currently downloading the new iTunes thingy so I can hopefully find some easier... I'd like a Magic podcast... surely there's a couple of good gaming podcasts... and I know Droid can point me towards another interesting tech podcast or two... yeah...
Anyway, have a good day.
Posted by poetfox at August 4, 2005 06:48 AM
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