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August 01, 2005
Break down! And my name is Phil! I don't know the words something rhymes with Phil?
I turned in my two weeks. And I'm getting more hours at Kohls. These next two weeks will SUX! But will involve high amounts of Money Get! *dading!*
I wish my stupid RPG would get here... the ebay guy said he mailed it... I sure as hell haven't gotten it. I wanna magic against those guns and stuff grr!
I wish some big game designer would read my blog and say "Hey! Making a small little incredibly deep strategy game that plays in a window against other peoples is a great ideas!" I'd pay many monies for such a games.
I'm making random things plural today, apparently.
DDR with Mario makes me exclaim "sexiness on the screen!" Or something of that nature.
Posted by poetfox at August 1, 2005 07:11 PM
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