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August 31, 2005

Audio Blog Entry: The 9th Edition (Not of this Audio Blog)

Well hey, lookie lookie, people with ears! I blogged in an MP3 yet again!
In this entry, I ramble on about why my dog is a bastard, Bawls Mints, 9th Edition and the MTGO Auction Room, and a little bit of iAudio exploration (I even mention Ecks-san and Tol! Why do I mention this? Don't question!). But mostly I just ramble.
Hate it or like it, let me know! Please? Feedthingy says like... 10 people are getting this... who the hell are you? Seriously? ^_^ Also, Droib set me up lazy archives there, if you'd like.

Posted by poetfox at August 31, 2005 10:44 AM


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