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August 28, 2005
Audio Blog Entry: Why I'm a Bad Person
I blogged again tonight with the iAudio. I swear it'll get not-cool at some point. Until, then, well, have a listen.
I ramble on about the Crappy Asst Podcast, why the format of this is how it is, how I form opinons, why I'm a bad person, and why I introduce myself as "poetfox." But mostly I just ramble.
Tell me how much you like/hate it. Or not. Whatever. I hope these don't get too much longer, though. I doubt they'll be longer than this. I hope so.
Edit: You can read Essner's "review" of the Crappy Asst Podcast numero uno. It's a shining reminder of how bad we are. Brer listen to that while I was at work. Scary.
Posted by poetfox at August 28, 2005 04:38 AM
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