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August 09, 2005
And Wheel Keep Awn Fight In Till Thee End!
You are now reading the blog of one of the members of the Championship-winning Handicap Bowling Team, Dark Smifflin.
Form a line to bask in my glory to the left, please.
Heh heh. ^_^ Seriously, though, isn't it insane? It's totally insane. We started this league hoping we would get second to last. And we won. There's going to be some amount of prize money involved, but I sorta already spent it and probably a bit more buying the rest of Transmet... eh heh...
In other news, apparently Mama is finishing up the commish Brer commished of me and him like ages ago. I'm ready to once again be honored and insanely embarrassed. I'm bracing myself for it. Yup.
Ready for linkage? I'm currently being partially seduced by the Usagi Yojimbo Roleplaying game. I don't know why. Well, I mean, I've been half-reading about it... and Usagi is spiffy. I need to read more (I've just read the Grasscutter trade, cause it was at the library.). But that's beside the point, for the game... well, I will never play it. At least not with my friends around here. We're geeks and we do geeky things but I will never, ever get my friends to play a semi-decent game of a tabletop RPG. I've pretty well given up on that idea. And yet... there's some little part of me that thinks "If I can discover a game so awesome and yet so simple that it can draw them in, I could have my tabletop RPGing! At least casually." That part of me is kinda crazy and stupid.
I have too much money... it makes it hard to resist things... I mean, I think I'm pretty good at resisting non-video game things. But seriously, it's hard to resist things... and I don't even have THAT much money, honestly... I need to get into some sort of "real world" so I understand it's value better, methinks...
If I start playing Star Wars Galaxies, I will have sunk to a new low, too... but I have a feeling it's going to happen, especially if Essner decides to stick with it. I'd love to do some serious MMOing with him. Our WoW excursions have been nothing but fun. Playing on a regular basis with him? Fuck yeah. But still... Star Wars Galaxies...? I really don't know... I mean, every game needs healers, but...
Eh, fuck it. End blogpost. *Monitor turning off sound*
Posted by poetfox at August 9, 2005 01:34 AM
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