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August 08, 2005
A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea!
Okay, okay, I give up. Pirates of the Spanish Main is a crazyfun game, and I'm definately buying more packs. Okay? I admit it. There.
I mean, come on. Pirates? And gaming? Can you think of a time when that hasn't worked...? Monkey Island... Sid Meier's Pirates!... Um... Skies of Arcadia... nothing bad there.
(Ha ha! I just went to VG Cats and the title of this entry was in the "random quote" thing he has on the top of the page. ^_^)
Edit: I just e-mailed the DCI asking how the hell I'm supposed to contact the judges on that judge list... I'm going to get to level 1 judge. If I can find someone to help me, that is. Anyway... force me to keep trying. I'll try to force myself as well.
Posted by poetfox at August 8, 2005 01:09 AM
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