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July 11, 2005
Wish I knew why I do things.
Why am I still up at 1:30 this morning? Fuck if I know.
I need Reciprocates and Echoing Truths. If you have some and are holding out on me, I'll cry.
I tried to name the new You Make the Card. My submission was "Lost in Temptation" which I thought fit the flavor and picture decently. We'll see if I think of some thing better. But at least I submitted something.
A mere day before I get to see the Giants in concert once again. Seeing TMBG live are the times I think of when I try to think of a moment I was truly happy. So needless to say, I'm totally excited. Huzzah?
I'm stupid, too...
Posted by poetfox at July 11, 2005 01:55 AM
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