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July 26, 2005
The Crippled Revenge, Scourge of the Seas
The Crippled Revenge certianly is the most bad-ass mother fucker to ever sail the Spanish Main. But she has a broken mast. Cause I'm a dumb bastard.
So yeah, Pirates of the Spanish Main is a pretty nice little game. The best part was probably the supratiny D6s that come in each pack that I pocketed. The worst part was building the ships because I'm no good with things like that. In any case, I sorta doubt I'll be playing it again, but I'm glad it exists, yupyup.
I'm playing Tailrazor sometimes in the tub now... I dunno why... I think TR has alot of qualities about me that are very visible that I don't show when I'm my normal self, the more I think about her and who she is... if only I could get her and the character in her world into some sort of coherent plotline, then I might try to at least outline out "Tailrazor: Ultimate Gamer" or whatever I end up calling it. Probably something better than that, honestly.
In any case, part of the reason I've been playing Tail is because I was wondering if anyone would take to her. So far... no. Heh. She's creepy, I can't blame them. Gives me time to think about her... and how I'm going to make her attract people to her without being... what's the word... without showing any sort of emotion of energy. I really like her, though. If I pull her off right, she'll be a really interesting character, I think. Certianly one I can't say I've seen before and am subconciously emulating. Not that someone hasn't ever done it, as I'm sure someone has, but... you know... heh...
Rivera... is interesting. It's keeping my interest, but I know it won't after I have something else to distract me. Oh well, it's good it exists, too.
I hate moving furnature.
I'm going to stop blogging now.
Posted by poetfox at July 26, 2005 10:43 PM
Furniture. It's spelled furniture. F-U-R-N-I-T-U-R-E
It is a strange word.It's got some funky vowels.
Posted by: piman at July 27, 2005 07:28 AM
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