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July 25, 2005
Risky Move! (not a good Magic card. I should make a deck around it)
Topics: Risk, 9th Edition, anything else. Okay, here I go.
We played Risk with Danny tonight. Okay, last night at this point. Anyway, it was a good time, as per always. We should really hang out with Danny as much as we can. Call him for more than Magic tournies. Anytime we're doing something that requires a small bit of pre-planning. He be a cool guy. Just married and stuff. Heh.
Anyway, he's really damn good at Risk. He felt that way, anyway, and he won both games we're playing. I was thinking about why, and here's what I came up with.
1) As he put it, "I play Risk like you play Magic." He apparently plays online all the time. That's going to make you get good at the game. Heh.
2) He talks about the game and what's going on in a way that makes you trust that allying with him is a good move. He knows how to say things in a way that makes the board look a certian way. The fact that he's charismatic in general doesn't hurt either.
3) Justin Spaeth sucks. Don't know what that has to do with Danny's Risk playing, but it's true.
4) He balanced offense and defense, something I cannot do. I do all one or all the other. Which is why I much more often play all defense, because then I don't get slaughtered quite so bad.
Anyway, that's my Risk thing.
If you haven't seen the 9th Spoiler and like Magic, I recommend doing it. Here are my thoughts at first glance. ^_^
1) It's so awesome Weathered Wayfarer is in 9th! It makes me feel awesome about buying a playset of them at random last week! It'll also spur me into buying physical copies, I'm sure. Spants has one I can steal.
2) Gift of Estates is Uncommon like I wanted! Fuck yeah!
3) Marble Titan? I hadn't even heard of this card but I'm very excited it exists.
5) I worry about Hypnotic Spectre being back just because Eric McLain will play it and it's really really, broken. I mean, really broken. Even in a world without Dark Ritual.
Anyway, a new core set is big. We around here be big fans of the core set and the drafting thereof. I've already got a box on the way!
I need to buy a collar. I want one, dammit. One that looks nice, but is still definately a collar.
Anyway, that's enough blogging for now, I suppose. Inari, help me to resist buying a laptop please. *bows*
Edit: The first Y? book is out and I just ordered it. I'm going to make Spants read it, I think he could appreciate it. Don't know about anyone else. But it's a damn good comic. Even if you're not a furry, please push past the furryness and at least give a go. For me? *gives the cute sad bunnyfox eyes*
Posted by poetfox at July 25, 2005 02:17 AM
Though your points about Danny are valid, I believe you have overlooked an integral part of his victories: Me. Danny is an excellent RISK player, probably the best I know, but his victories were facilitated by me, or if nothing else, made much easier thanks to my participation. As you well know, I enjoy playing risk, but I abhore the kind of dice rolling it takes to finish a game. I therefore try end games in a timely manner. I use a varitey of methods to do this. Usually I play till there are only two people left, then I concede, or offer a draw. In fact that is my strategy for most games of risk, and certainly was when we played with Danny. Danny was definately the best RISK player in the room, I, a distant second, Buchheit a close third. All I had to do was to last longer than Buchheit, and my goal would be achieved. The easiest way to ensure my longevity was to ally myslef with the best player on the board, namely Danny. I could've made it hard for Danny to win, I could have weakened him to the point where he could have been taken out by a allied force of other players, or at least kept him from getting so many armies, but I chose not to. The thing about RISK, is that what happens on the board is rarely important. Danny won as soon as he sat down at the table because I knew I wasn't going to beat him. Buchheit had a chance, but not with me helping Danny. Now if I was at a table with 5 people that were all better than me, it would be completely different.
Posted by: piman at July 26, 2005 11:13 PM
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