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July 30, 2005
Our Mission Statement goes something like this...
I preordered the new Goldfrapp Album, and I threw Wonderful Electric into the order just for the hell of it. Yay. I'll have it the moment the album comes out!... in a month... boo...
Spants liked Y?. I'm glad. I knew he'd be open-minded enough to enjoy the spiffy characterness and whatnot. Worth the price of the book! Heh. That, and, um, giving Mr. Eh Leh person lots of happy monies so that he keeps drawing good comics and whatnot. Heh. And cause it's cool to have. *gives it a hug*
Freeze Frame tonight when exactly as I thought it would. Fun, but not up to its potential. Oh well. A genius sketch was born from it: Scat. Office. Ask Essner for more details.
One more day of the play... then work work work next week... I don't wanna...! *sighs* I wish I was confirmed on the Kohls more hours thing. I'd quit my college job right now. Get some sleep. Mmm, sleep... wish I could do it at times like normal people sometimes...
Posted by poetfox at July 30, 2005 02:07 AM
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