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July 17, 2005
Of Giants and Gaming Obscura
Haven't blogged in a bit, apparently. I am t3h sux.
So I saw They Might Be Giants. I'm not going to comment on how it was because fuck, unless you don't have a brain you know I was totally rocked, apparently so rocked that I haven't blogged since the incident. I've been in rocking rehab. Then I made the mistake of downloading the show from the Giants themselves and I almost had a relapse. I will say I enjoyed CornMo alot more this time. I must have been very cranky at Mississippi Nights last time. Either that, or the keyboard rocked me very hard. I dunno.
So I'm feeling very very RPGish recently. "Then why haven't you bought Rivera: The Promised Land yet Alex?' you ask. I dunno. Don't temp me. Fuck, you've tempted me. You bastards. Anyway, the wonder that is eBay is sending me a copy of Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura which is a very Fallout-inspired PC RPG made by some of the Fallout people a long time ago that I didn't know about and that I hope I will play all the way through since I'm in this whole... thing. I also hope I can play it in a window. I love playing things in windows. Even City of Heroes, even though windowed mode makes it incredibly prone to crashing. Mmm, windows. I need a second monitor. I have a shitload of money. Maybe I should just get two pretty flatscreens or something. Nah, more money that even I, with lots of money, should spend. Would be nice, though... Don't really have a desk to support two monitors, though... although I guess I could just put my box on the floor... gah, temptation! No! It was better when I was only tempted by a 30 dollar or less GBA game...
My compy can't play Battlefield 2. This is the first game I have experienced that my compy can't handle. Not that I'd ever play alot of Battlefield 2. My compy should be good for a long while for the RPGs and MMORPGs that I play on it all the time, gamewise. But still, that's kinda sad. Granted, my PC was built on a budget, but it is only a year old.
It's also lime green. Heehee.
The Pirates thingy has also seduced me recently. I was suprised to hear that Essner had tried it and said it was pretty good. I'll have to give it a go sometime. They have packs at Toys R Us and I'm sure at Plainswalkers, too. (Why for art thou turning away from cards and to DnD, Plainswalkers? Just pleasepleaseplease keep selling decently priced Magic packs.)
What am I going to do about school? I know I still won't be able to focus and work at it... I need to cut it down, I might be able to handle a smaller load if I really make myself... I dunno. I wish... well, alot of things...
I made an appointment. I hope that really helps me out. I'm tired of being depressed for no reason.
Maybe I'll take a shower.
Posted by poetfox at July 17, 2005 04:57 PM
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