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July 08, 2005
I hope to gods I never work so much in a row again anytime soon.
I was all like "I am outraged! They sent me Soratami Mirror-Guards instead of Soratami Mirror-Mages! This card place must die!"
Until I looked at my original order transcript and noticed that that's what I had ordered. Whoops.
So my Moonfolk deck is on hold till I get them, at least for now... or maybe I'll just use Echoing Truth instead, I dunno.
Although I do like the design behind my Moonfolk deck offline, I've recently built this freaky-ass land-bouncy concotion online that uses Moonfolk and Patron of the Moon to even better effect than this one does, and I'm really enjoying how retarbid yet effective it is. The only problem with it is it creates alot of things that the opponent has to okay through, since there is a decent amount of combo action... but that's the problem with any combish deck online, unfortunately. Has the possibilty of annoying an opponent. But as people start to learn about and utilize the F6 key (which lets you say "I pass priority and I'm not going to play anything else this turn, so don't ask me again.") perhaps that annoyance will end.
I still haven't built a deck that uses my Shining Shoals, though. I keep wanting to combine Shining Shoal with Reverse the Sands (Another card I really want to make a deck around), but this makes no sense at all. They seem to be working at odds. To make Reverse the Sands worth it, my life total has to get low, but Shining Shoal is an extremely powerful trick to keep me alive. Plus, I mean, Shining Shoal is a utility card, and I'm trying to base a whole deck around it. That don't work. I need to just build a new mostly white deck and have those in there in my combat trick slot, you know?
Gods, I'm so in love. Seriously. Wonder what I'll do with it.
Essner finished watching Wonderfalls. Thank gods for that show. I need to watch it all again.
Giants next week. OMG.
And I should be updating all the non-blog pages of the blogfest soon. I hope. It's been waaaaay too fucking long since I have, especially the Fanfic archives, and I even have one new Inside Joke card ready to go, as well as a few more in the spoiler. And a new thing for the Essner Gallery. Anyway, keep on the lookout for that.
My ankles hurt. Goodnight.
Posted by poetfox at July 8, 2005 12:02 AM
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