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July 12, 2005
And once again, a post where I just ramble and barely actually talk about what's on my mind. Enjoy.
Wednesday, I'm doing the damn thing Wednesday, or you can shoot me.
I had such a nice conversation with Mika-chan, who is apparently actually named Ashley, and now it kinda died cause she was playing Everquest 2 and I was reading Magic stuff... it's all sad, really. Cause now I feel that stupid lonely I tend to feel. And I shouldn't. Because I'm going to see THEY MIGHT BE FUCKING GIANTS Tommorow! I mean, how can I be sad in the face of that? Apparently very easily. I really suck. I best do that fucking thing Wednesday. Appointments need to be made.
Magic's website is down, and I haven't gotten to read the Limited Information yet. Boo.
Things I have a random obsession with:
The Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Gauntlets. I'm sorry, but they just make playing cards look cool.
Moving away from here. As much as I don't want to, I constantly think about it. Like, far away, not like into Layne's house, which I still hope will happen.
Staying up late. I hate going to bed. I don't know why. Sleep is nice. Beds are comfortable. I really don't know why.
Magic website still not up! BLAH!
I'm so tired of being empty-feeling inside. I mean, I always worry when I say stuff like that, I'm being too dramatic, but that's part of the reason why I never sleep. I always feel so lonely and empty I want someone there with me. I don't want to go to bed alone. And there are people on the internet, last I checked, although some of them are furries.
I wonder if Natalie is in Key West yet. Probably, I haven't seen her online yet this weekish period. Or maybe I have. Fuck, I dunno. I should call her soon.
Oh, I found a torrent for an MP3 of Ooh La La. That song is greattastic.
Posted by poetfox at July 12, 2005 01:03 AM
Hello... Smatthew! This is Ben, Matt's brother. First of all, I hate you. Secondly, you suck. Third, this is definitely not a flame. Fourth, why don't you go jump in a lake? Fifth, this is also not a shameless attempt to get you to link to my blog at http://daltysmilth.blogspot.com/ . And sixth, link to my blog at http://daltysmilth.blogspot.com/ . Okay. Have a good day, man! Hope you're doing well. I wrote this message at 1:33 AM. Dig that!
Posted by: daltysmilth at July 15, 2005 01:26 AM
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