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June 04, 2005

White things that people get screwed out of. And Sigma Star Saga.

It's good to know the GBA is still getting some awesome games made for it.
I can't wait. That game seems like a fucking awesome. Yes, that's right. A fucking awesome.
Speaking of things that are A fucking awesome, I got my huge Sakura figure today. It's so incredibly cute and intense. Also, because I was talking to Dai-chan (who I am going to blame for putting such dirty thoughts in my head, at least, um, for now. Heh. (Even though it was actually mostly the fact of me placing the figure on a high shelf, so that, when looking up at it to admire it, I realized I could almost see up her skirt, which, of course, caused me to have to actually check it out. Wow, I'm explaining this too much.)), I checked what color underwear Sakura was wearing. It was white. And I'm like... what? Pink would have sooooo gone better with the outfit. Tomoyo, didn't you get your lovergirl some matching sexy underpants? I mean, seriously.
Also, Saviors came out, well, I guess yesterday now. I don't play Magic as much as I used to, but I still enjoy keeping up with it. I enjoy limited very much, but constucted, especially constructed outside of the easy-to-use and unlimited testing of Magic Online, has lost alot of appeal to me. Dunno why. I think it's because it takes so much money and effort and TIME to make a constructed deck I want to play. Unlike Essner, I am a Johnny, and I dislike not having the proper numbers of cards in my deck to make my combos work. On Magic Online, these card copies are easier to aquire, are able to be aquired in a matter of an hour as opposed to a week, and can be used in as many decks as I can find uses for it. It's just... I dunno... easier. Not to mention I get to playtest against a variety, instead of the same decks I've played a million times before. Heh. My friends and I just can't make physical constructed new cool decks every week! But we can draft. Ooooooh can we draft. Saviors draft... going to be very interesting. I hope I don't get cut out of white. In a pure Saviors situation, I think getting a couple of the white sweep cards and Cowed by Wisdom would be pretty effective. The only really decent red burn that isn't rare is Barrel Down Sokenzan and that requires a decent amount of sweeping to kill stuff, and black has no direct "destroy this" removal. Cowed by Wisdom will look very crappy to anyone who hasn't really looked at all the cards in the set, but it's one of the few creature removal options. Yeah, that'd work really well. Of course, by scheming this, someone is going to open like... two amazing white rares in a row and make sure I never get any good white cards. Bitches.
It's also just generally unfortunate that they didn't print any decent foxies at common after Champions. Kitsune Blademaster is a hoss... okay, I guess they printed Split-tail Miko, which is useful in limited but not especially constructed level... but that's like... it. Eh, who knows. I'm done blogging. I should try to sleep, I suppose. But isn't that always the case? I mean... seriously.
Edit: Okay, I'm retarbid. Kitsune Loreweaver is good, in this set, and is common. I thought it was uncommon. And fuck, Kitsune Bonesetter is common too. That card is certianly interesting if not pretty damn good in draft. Anyway, I suck, or at least my opinions sometimes do. Goodnight.

Posted by poetfox at June 4, 2005 03:04 AM


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