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June 06, 2005

The End (Da! DaDa! DaDa! Dadadada!)

Yeah, people weren't mistaken when they said the end of KOTOR II sucked balls. It was pretty good... but needed some more... conversation... with my party at the end.
Also, Darth Trayla was a complete and utter wussbag. That's right, wussbag.
Mm, wonder what I'm going to play now. I'm tempted to make a quasi Sith, or grey Jedi, or whatever, but I don't think I could stand playing through all that again. But yeah, the game, overall, was great. The plot and dialouge were very good, which is why it sucks so bad that they didn't finish it well... I'll have to look up what remnants of an ending that they didn't put in that people have unearthed. Then maybe I'll contain more rage. I dunno.
Anyway, I beat it. The end.

Posted by poetfox at June 6, 2005 05:21 PM


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