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June 29, 2005
Check it out!
Enlightened Tutor... the mucho better fetchlands... UNARYO BEE STING! Fuck, I am so so here.
Meteos will rock your face. If you don't own a DS, then you're temporarily off the hook. For now. If you do, and you didn't buy it today, you best be doing it tommorow, or I'll kick yah.
Tommorow I play Magic at Eric's, then come home and play more Magic, since I gotta jump in on MTGO's Saviors prerelease. Huzzah? That's alot of Magic, but I'm all hardcore? So... MAGIC, BITCHES!
But seriously, Unaryo Bee Sting. I'm going to put that shit in every single deck ever. EVER.
Posted by poetfox at June 29, 2005 11:54 PM
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