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June 06, 2005

Decklist: Shizo's Wicked Machine (Temporary Title)

Lands (21)
1x Shizo, Death's Storehouse
20x Swamp

Creatures (22)
3x Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
4x Ashen Skin Zubera
4x Bile Urchin
4x Deathknell Kami
4x Thief of Hope
3x He Who Hungers

Other Spells (17)
3x Measure of Wickedness
4x Blasting Station
4x Wayfarer's Bauble
2x Death Denied
4x Rend Flesh

I may need to kick up the land and maybe take out some Rend Flesh, or Death Denied if it turns out they aren't useful. Perhaps I'll make this the first physical constructed deck I've built in a long time... and I bet I could recreate it on MTGO for very little... I'd only need 2 Shirei, I think... besides the Saviors commons and Uncommons, of course.
The deck's plan is a few early hits, followed by Thief of Hope and Bile Urchin or Blasting Station with Shirei Shenanagins to get my opponent down to 8 life, then a quick finisher with Measure of Wickedness. If worse comes to worse, He Who Hungers can keep my opponent low on answers, and makes for a decent beatdown creature, considering this is Mono-black. Deathknell Kami is a card from Saviors I haven't seen before now, but is really perfect for this deck. Don't know how perfect it is for anything else, though. Part of me wanted to put Devoring Greed in there, but that card always feels like cheating, so I didn't. *shrugs* Anyway, the end.

Posted by poetfox at June 6, 2005 01:34 AM


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