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June 21, 2005
A buncha random stuff that I used as topics instead of what I actually wanted to talk about.
So I entered to win a trip to amazing Canadia to see Blue Man Group. Yay? Perhaps insanity will help me win. Or something.
Natalie and I did some like... serioustalking the other night. And I've really been thinking about what she said. It's really helped me out. And so, even though I don't think she reads this, here's another thank you for her.
So the new Appleseed movie isn't too bad. There was some cheese, but eh, so it goes. It also proves my quasipoint about the fact that computer generated movies should aim for a stylized look instead of realism. The whole thing just looks prettier overall. I mean, seriously.
I'm playing PSO: Blue Burst. It's currently the same game you've played in it's millions of other incarnations, only for significantly cheaper monthy (only 8 bucks) and to aquire (only 0 bucks). But don't even try playing it without a gamepad. I mean, I haven't, cause I have a gamepad, but I think it would suck BALLZ! If you're going to play it, just buy a gamepad! Mine cost me 20 bucks, works just as good as a PS2 controller, and I'm quite happy with it. Anyway, soonesque they're going to get an all-new Episode 4 in there, so I suppose I best level my RAmarl, Lily, to be prepared for it. Screenies in the Screenie Gallery that you probably don't know exists will probably start to appear.
I hope I find some Samba Maracas. Even though I won't use them, really.
I can't wait for Sigma Star Saga, as well. Kirby was awesome but I'm all bored of it now. Heh. Not bored, just... I dunno. I beat it already! Beating it several other times with balls that are only slightly different in action doesn't really appeal to me. Sorry. makers of the wonderful game Kirby: Canvas Curse!
I have emotional stuff that's been going on with me too. But I don't think I want to talk about it here at the moment. I do need to talk to Dai-chan, though. And I hope I'm helping James, at least a little. And I'm glad Brer and I are on the same page. And I hope Natalie was okay with the random phone call I made tonight. Heh.
My phone is a bitch to attempt to charge now, too. WTF, man. WTF.
I use phrases like "OMG!" in real life now. That's sad.
I'm done blogging for now. HUZZAH!
Posted by poetfox at June 21, 2005 01:19 AM
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