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May 30, 2005

HUEPOW! LET'S BEAT THESE BITCHES DOWN! (Not an actual Klonoa Quote)

Watchin' some Namco X Capcom clips before I go to my Grandmother's house. I enjoy the way they stream in each characters theme music as they go to attack... heh heh... I just watched Klonoa beat the everloving crap out of this guy. ^_^ KLONOA! I love Klonoa... heh... I wonder if his new GBA game has come out yet...
Anyway, they'll probably never bring this game out in America because they're whores and there are many characters in it that haven't been in an American game. But I'm hoping they bring it over anyway and don't be stupid bitches.
I'm going to Natalie's house in like... a week. I should really tell my parents that. I should also sign up for Therapy after asking them about the insurance. Miyah, I'm a slow lazy bastard.
Hah hah hah...! Hsien-ko is now doing some hugeass mulitple range attack with the characters from Dino Crisis and I think Resident Evil: Gun Survivor? In any case, she keeps tossing them fresh guns out of her sleeves of Have-anything-in-them. Heh.
Edit: OMG, Digdug guy.

Posted by poetfox at May 30, 2005 11:47 AM


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