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April 21, 2005
Yeah, I'm one of those weird furries, last time I checked...
Plans are beginning to get me to this.
It would really be a ride, that's for sure. I need to start figuring out how much funding I would have to save for it... but then again, I have most of the rest of this year to get things lined up... but still... yeah... heh. I hope things don't fall through... I want to take trips like this (Origins is looking pretty tempting at the moment, but I dunno if they're having a Button Man tourney, which is something I'd like to do if I went to that kinda show). I also hope my parents are down with it. Heh. I also wonder what in the world happens at these things. I mean, yeah, there are going to be like a million artists selling stuffs, but surely there are other things... is there gaming? Should I work on building a good physical Standard deck before I go? I dunno? I dunno. Perhaps these questions will be answered. In the future. Dai and Dante want to take me on a date of some sort, though... miyah... that... heh... flattering, and I'm sure it will be awesome. But still nervousness-inducing. Heh.
My parents ARE completely down with Prom, though, so yay? I'm sure that will be a slightly akward, but fun experience. Promtastic! (More like Project Promtastic... oh unlimited bowling, how I have missed you...) Also, I should finally get my copy of the Excellent Game Psychonauts today, which I should have gotten yesterday, but the people who ship those things suxz. Yes, I used the word "suxz." Get over it. ^_^
(I'd also want to aquire a nice pair of ears and a tail before I went to the con... Dai-chan said shi was going to work on doing that for everyone, but I don't want hir (hir... her... shi... she... confusing, as always... eh heh... and a bit silly, really, but I try to do it anyway...) to be all... inconvieneced or spend a bunch of money on me or anything... but that is something I want before I go... heh... hell, I just want them anyway.)
Posted by poetfox at April 21, 2005 09:03 AM
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