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April 01, 2005
Wait! We don't have to talk about the Matrix. We could talk about other things... our favorite bands... girls who broke our hearts... the Matrix...
Ye gods, I've worked alot this week. But it's basically over now... heh... one more night.
Oh, um. April Fools or something. I don't have a joke to play on you, but... well, maybe that's the joke? I dunno.
So I have no willpower at all when it comes to games I'm researching, as I'm sure I've proven time and again, so I got the Matrix Online. How is it? A wee bit pointessly laggy, but still playable. The Coder Proxies could use much better AI, but hopefully that'll come... (The healer proxy, Patcher Daemon, apparently rarely heals, if ever... yeah, they need work) The fighting is the most interesting to look at in any MMO I've played. It's only the you there waiting for your turn and then punching the guy when you're shooting from a distance. Once you get into their Interlock Combat, it looks pretty damn cool, even if the system is still quite similar to other MMOs. Anywho, I've been playing that in spurts at night, and suprising myself by keeping up with WoW during the day. Damn, I'm cool.
Let's see... what else... I watched Gunslinger Girl on my PSP... it was a pretty good series, although if that's the whole anime I've also read the whole Manga series, cause I've read all those plotlines... heh... working on Fullmetal now... I saw that one episode that made me want to cry when I saw the dub, and it did for me again like this... it was even worse, really, cause there was an episode before it where you got attached to the cute little girl. Miyah. Even fake people shouldn't be that mean. But yeah, I've been playing games very little on the new machine cause I think the movie player is so fucking cool. I'm sure that'll change, of course, once the newness wears off, but basically, I am VERY happy with my purchase. It will be worth the money. I also got saved with no Dead Pixels on this one (My DS has 1 dead pixel on the top screen) so huzzah there. Yeah.
...I gotta respond to this e-mail Draco sent me... but not now... I want to write it right...
But yeah, I guess I better get going... payday... and stuffs... whee. Later.
Posted by poetfox at April 1, 2005 09:48 AM
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