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April 12, 2005
This Post Contains Fullmetal Alchemist Spoilers
I'm downloading the Psychonauts Demo and you aren't! Ha ha!
Okay, maybe you are, but it's not like I'm going to know. Plus, I'm downloading the Psychonauts demo.
And now, from this point on, I will be discussing the ending to the Anime Series Fullmetal Alchemist. Only read past the upcoming line if you A) Don't give a rats ass about being spoiled on the ending B) Have seen the ending C) Don't even know what Fullmetal Alchemist is and never plan to ever even attempt to find out. If you read it anyway, then, well, you'll know some of the ending. Poor Bastard.
And now, my dramitization of the planning for the ending of Fullmetal Alchemist.
Writer One: Okay... now Ed... he's getting sent through the Gate by Dante, just like his dad...
Writer Two: Mmhmm...
Writer One: We have several more episodes to fill with stuff... and the plot hasn't finished yet...
Writer Two: Mmhmm...
Writer One: So what's on the other side...?
Writer Two: Mmhmm...
Writer One: Are you even listening to me?
Writer Two: Hm, what? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about Zepplins.
Writer One: Zepplins?
Writer Two: Yeah. There aren't enough Zepplins in Anime these days. Maybe there could be a Zepplin on the other side of the gate...
Writer One: A Zepplin... is the source of Alchemy...
Writer Two: Or maybe a ton of Zepplins! Yeah! Doing something cool! Like blowing stuff up!
Writer One: Okay, I really don't get where you're going here... what, you want him to end up in World War II or something?
Writer Two: That's PERFECT! He appears in World War II. Let's roll with it.
Writer One: Um, I worked hard on this series. I'd rather not fuck it up now with your stupid zepplins.
Writer Two: Oh?
Several Hours of Drinking Sake Later...
Writer Two: I knew you'd see it my way.
Writer One: I'm going to throw up now.
And that was my dramitization about the planning of the ending of Fullmetal Alchemist. Yes, I know I'm a genius. Thank you. *bows*
Posted by poetfox at April 12, 2005 04:07 PM
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