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April 22, 2005
This is why I don't do this stuff often.
So I decided I wanted to set up a screenie gallery. Shouldn't be too hard, right? Just upload a buncha shit, run through the setup, blah blah blah... and it all turned out looking pretty nice. See? But it gives me errors when I try to upload... says it can't find files in the directory where they are... the FAQ for the gallery program mentions something about safe mode being on for PHP or something retarded, but I have no clue what it's talking about and I doubt I could figure out how to turn it off or test if that's the case... plus, if it's on, I bet Droid has a decent reason for it being on. I dunno. I just, once again, suck when trying to do webcreation things. Feel free to add another notch to your count, or something. If Droid is really bored at some point, I'll ask him to help me finish it... from the way that FAQ sounds, I think he just has to flip something off on his server. But who the fuck knows, really.
Psychonauts best be in today. I've been waiting and waiting these past two days. AHHHH!
Posted by poetfox at April 22, 2005 09:51 AM
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