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April 12, 2005
Razorfen Kraul
Since I'm trying to start an archive on here for WoW screens, I suppose I should keep posting them! Maybe I should get that gallery whatever that Droid has on his blog, just for the screenies. I dunno, just an idea.
Anyway, I raided Razorfen Kraul last night. I had a shitload of problems with the whole thing. It was almost all too low for me, so I thought it would be a quick and easy run, but nooooo, a couple of jackasses made it difficult. A Troll Shaman named Blackdefiler kept wanting to rush before the party was ready, and then left without warning by running into a shitload of level 32 elites and aggroing them all on us, killing the party. The fucking jackass. There was also a lower level guy named Rageonstorm who was one of those people who asks for help before even reading the quest and trying to figure it out themselves, so he kinda pissed me off too. The other two guys I was with were quite awesome. (of course, because they were awesome and didn't make me mad, I can't remember their names to give them credit for it... *sighs*) I finally ended up finishing the whole thing off when the nice level 29 warrior guy got his level 50 Warlock to run me through, which was damn nice of him. But yeah, I got a kickass Axe from the whole thing which required me to learn axes and then completely level up the skill from scratch. Whee.
But yeah, okay, here's two screenies.
Agathelos was one hugeass boar. He dropped some fairly nice leather pants but the pants Jonathan had made for me awhile back were just that wee bit better, plus had caster bonuses, which I prefer. The ones that dropped had strength. He wasn't anything too impressive, though, besides being big.
Razorflank is the last boss of Razorfen Kraul, and this is a picture right before we started kicking her ass. She didn't do anything too impressive either, that I can remember... but do you see those star marks above my head? That's because I had the most annoying debuff on that I couldn't remove... it slowed by casting by 10%. Really. Really. Annoying. But yeah, she dropped that kickass but retarbid-looking axe, so I can't complain.
Posted by poetfox at April 12, 2005 08:33 AM
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