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April 02, 2005

Personal In-depth MMO reviews

Thinking of writing them up just cause I want to. If you think that's a sane idea, give me a sign and I'll actually do it. As it is, I'm debating doing it as nobody would read it. Heh.
Also, Deconstruct costs waaaay too much to put in memory... I've had to wait like 2 levels to download the damn thing and the only reason I want it is to get to the Quickcode healing ability... which I won't be able to equip next level because I'll barely have enough to get Deconstruct on there! Heh...
Kohl's week of crazy is over, by the way. Time for some hardcore slacking next week! Huzzah!

Posted by poetfox at April 2, 2005 02:15 AM


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