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April 14, 2005
My Gaming Forcast - MMOful, with a chance of Psychonauts
Here is my estimated gaming schedule for the rest of April. This is obviously subject to change and, um... unchange.
This Weekend, Guild Wars Beta, until I decide that leveling farther would be a waste of my time and that I have the idea of the game. Then, it's all WoW all the time until Wednesday, where I will pick up the Excellent Game Psychonauts (which is like only 40 dollars plus a 10 dollar rebate! It's crazy!) and play that until I beat it. Since I plan on playing fairly nonstop and it's a platformer, although what will probably be an insanely excellent one but I'm assuming not a throw my controller hard one, I figure about Saturday or so it's back to grinding some more levels in WoW. Then, on Wednesday, the 27th, Guild Wars offically early-launches for those who preordered, meaning I'll be playing that like mad for the rest of the month, with intermitten bouts of WoW when I feel like I should wait to do things with my online friends. This whole schedule will probably be slightly broken up with more of Essner and I's team WoW sessions, which we're having alot of fun with.
I know exactly one person in the whole world actually cares about that schedule (and that one person is probably me, but who knows, maybe it's you) but if nothing else, if you took the time to read it, you'll know how to get a decent ranty conversation about me during those specified time periods with questions like "How's that Guild Wars Beta going?" or "What are you working on in World of Warcraft?"
All of Tim Schaefer's Double Fine Games blogging is fairly entertaining, by the way, as well as the Double Fine Action Comics.
Posted by poetfox at April 14, 2005 07:13 PM
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