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April 05, 2005
I am t3h s|_|c|<
There are times when I get tired of being the little loser I am... then again there are times when I thrive on it... I thrive on it more than I hate it... when when I hate it, I wish I my lifestyle had enough wiggle room so I could make myself a contributing member of society for a short period of time until it wears off... that, or that i had someone here to snuggle with and to tell me I'm not a complete loser... because sometimes, I kinda doubt that I'm anything more than one...
I dunno, like I mentioned before, I guess I'm just randomly lonley. Sorry for the stupidity.
I met some really nice guys on WoW tonight, though... hopefully I can play with them some more... they were playfully flirty, but really nice guys... It's nice to be flirted with once and awhile... makes you feel wanted... which I guess is teh center of most of that stupdity up there... I don't feel wanted... which is a complete lie... gods, I'm getting ranty again. I'm going to bed.
Posted by poetfox at April 5, 2005 12:18 AM
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