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April 16, 2005
Guild Wars Overly Early Review plus Work goes late.
Holy shit, I didn't get off of work until 3:10 AM. I mean, seriously. Crazy.
Playing Guild Wars Beta this weekend. So far, not too impressed with the plot and such. That could change of course, I hope it does. It's pretty damn good for being free to play, though. I really can't complain about it since I'm not paying a monthly fee for it! And the world seems decently fleshed out. The music sucks balls, though. Maybe it's just the beta and they only have one track of music for it or something but THERE'S ONLY ONE TRACK OF FARILY UNIMPRESSIVE MUSIC IN THE GAME AT THIS POINT! Crazy.
The thing that rocks my face about it is the PvP. Which is weird, cause I don't generally like it. But it's just so damn cool and strategic. You have to build a party that works together so perfectly so your guild can get up in the rankings! And it's not just straightforward beatdown, either, they mix it up. I'm so excited about it. Me and my friends from the tub will hopefully do well. ^_^ (Possible Guild Names for us that I thought of... "Warriors of the Infinite Tub," "United Furry Alliance") I'll certianly heal up a motherfuckin' storm. I enjoyed the all-heal freeprototype PvP character on there. Heh. With a couple of cheap DoTs added to the bar and some of the duplicate heals removed, I would be so ready to rock (The premade character has some damn cool healing powers, but she could literally deal no damage. Not one attack move. Not one. You need something to finish people off if your allies go down.)
Anyway, it's really fucking late. To bed with me. Draco-kun, I hope you're ready to try the beta out tommorow... okay, today, really.
Posted by poetfox at April 16, 2005 03:23 AM
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